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Registration Form
Registration Instruction: Please register your team on or before 30th Nov 2022. To register your team pay the registration fees $60/Per Team through below mentioned payment option.
Pay Option: Shameem Khan, BSB 032-361, Acc 390266
PayID: 0450 798 894
* After paying the team registration fees submit the registration details along with attaching the payment receipt through below form. For any assistance you can always contact below mentioned contact persons.
Contact Persons: Shameem - 0450 798 894, Babu - 0431 693 322, Shahin - 0403 377 712
Pay Option: Shameem Khan, BSB 032-361, Acc 390266
PayID: 0450 798 894
* After paying the team registration fees submit the registration details along with attaching the payment receipt through below form. For any assistance you can always contact below mentioned contact persons.
Contact Persons: Shameem - 0450 798 894, Babu - 0431 693 322, Shahin - 0403 377 712